3B Air Systems offers turn-key solutions for mist collections applications. We provide consultation, custom design, installation, and post-installation or maintenance services. Applications include CNC machining, milling, boring, grinding, cutting, cold heading, and many others where either oil, water-soluble coolant, or synthetic/semi-synthetic lubricants are in use.

Mist Collection Technologies
Mist collection systems can be individual, machine-mounted, or in a centralized and ducted system where multiple machines are tied to one mist collector. Standard and custom options include multiple mist collection technologies. They include:
- Basic media mist collectors are composed of a simple envelope bag filter and a washable mesh filter, with an optional high-efficiency post filter (HEPA). These filters can last weeks to several months.
- Coalescing filter mist collectors are highly efficient systems, utilizing proprietary filter designs that work effectively for a year plus (typically) with limited maintenance.
- Centrifugal mist collection systems use centrifugal force to “spin” mist out. By itself, a centrifugal unit will not remove sub-micron size particles, but the units can be equipped with a HEPA secondary filter.
- ESP mist collectors use high voltage to charge incoming particulates and collect them on grounded cells. Components can be washed, so no filter is necessary.
Our team here at 3B Air Systems stands ready to help you with new central mist collection systems or provide replacement parts and/or engineering services for your current systems. Our turn-key solutions abide by all safety standards and ensure maximum efficiency and lifespan, thanks to both our trusted vendors and skilled installation team.